Benefit of using APIs

Our APIs connect directly to our terminal operating system, so you'll always benefit from real-time data. We'll maintain and manage our APIs, so once you've set them up, you can be confident that you'll continue to reap the benefits, including:

  • Increased accuracy - container data is transferred automatically removing the chance of human error or reliance on outdated information
  • Time saving & cost effective - enables large volumes of data to be handled with no manual intervention
  • Improved planning - guarantees you’re using the most up-to-date information available in the supply chain


What data will I have access to?

The following information is available at container level:

  • Container ID
  • Shipping Line
  • ISO Code
  • Container size/type/height
  • Has the container been returned?
  • Gated-in date and local time


For which terminals is data available?

Data is available for the following terminals and will be gradually rolled out to our fully owned terminals. Register for updates and we'll let you know as soon as data is available for the terminal(s) you're interested in. Terminal code shown between ():

  • Aarhus, Denmark (DKAAR)
  • Apapa, Nigeria (NGAPP)
  • Aqaba, Jordan (JOAQB)
  • Bahrain (BHKBS)
  • Barcelona, Spain (ESBCN)
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina (ARBUE)
  • Gothenburg, Sweden (SEGOT)
  • Lázaro Cárdenas, Mexico (MXLZC)
  • Los Angeles, USA (USLAX)
  • South Florida Container Terminal, Miami, USA (USMIA)
  • Monrovia, Liberia (LRMLW)
  • Mobile, USA (USMOB)
  • Moin, Costa Rica (CRPMN)
  • Mumbai, India (INNSA)
  • Onne, Nigeria (NGONN)
  • Pecém, Brazil (BRPEC)
  • Pipavav, India (INPAV)
  • Port Elizabeth, USA (USNWK)
  • Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala (GTPRQ)
  • Vado, Italy (ITVDL)

Once you have Signed Up for an account, Accepted a Plan and registered your App to generate your own API keys, you are ready to start testing our APIs. Everything you need is detailed below, starting with Step 1.  Sandbox - Empty Container Returns.  Once you are satisfied with your own development and testing, migration to production can be found in Step 2. Production -  Empty Container Returns. It's here that you will learn about our OAuth 2.0 authorisation which is needed to generate a bearer token for subsequent calls.  Finally, feel free to read our Open API spec found below via our Empty Container Retuns.yaml file.


Step 1. Sandbox - Empty Container Returns

To get you started, we've created a simple GET request API for you:  


To call this API, you will need to add Container numbers to the assetId query parameter, along with a Facility code, e.g. USLAX for Pier 400, Los Angeles. This API uses test data only. Go ahead and make calls using the any of the examples below;

  • Test Containers = MRKU7137914, MRKU0562064, UACU8175070, CXRU1082246
  • Test Facility = SEGOT

Your GET request should look something like this:

  •, MRKU0562064, UACU8175070, CXRU1082246&facilityCode=SEGOT


Step 2. Production - Empty Container Returns

To access our Production APIs we have a base security policy enforcing the OAuth2.0 Client Credentials Grant. This means that you must request an access token from us which is then used in subsequent calls to the APIs. The access token is added to the "Authorization" header with a "Bearer " prefix. So, the full Authorization header looks like - "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}". This access token expires after 30 minutes, so you will need to repeat this request to get a new token.

How to request an access token?

  • Issue a POST request to
  • Please ensure your POST body is x-www-form-urlencoded and includes the two following key:value pairs created when you register your App
    • client_id = your Consumer Key
    • client_secret = your Consumer Secret
  • In the response you will see a key called "access_token", this is what you will include in the Authorization header for the Import Availability API

How to access the Production Empty Container Returns API?

As with our Sandbox API you can issue a simple GET request, to the endpoint listed below, but this time you will need to add your access token.

  • Headers: Authorization: Bearer Token {access_token}

The production API is connected directly to our terminal operating systems for real-time data. As such, when calling this API, you will need current container IDs, along with the appropriate facility code, e.g. USLAX for Pier 400, Los Angeles. Terminal codes shown between ():

  • Aarhus, Denmark (DKAAR)
  • Apapa, Nigeria (NGAPP)
  • Aqaba, Jordan (JOAQB)
  • Bahrain (BHKBS)
  • Barcelona, Spain (ESBCN)
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina (ARBUE)
  • Gothenburg, Sweden (SEGOT)
  • Lázaro Cárdenas, Mexico (MXLZC)
  • Los Angeles, USA (USLAX)
  • South Florida Container Terminal, Miami, USA (USMIA)
  • Monrovia, Liberia (LRMLW)
  • Mobile, USA (USMOB)
  • Moin, Costa Rica (CRPMN)
  • Mumbai, India (INNSA)
  • Onne, Nigeria (NGONN)
  • Pecém, Brazil (BRPEC)
  • Pipavav, India (INPAV)
  • Port Elizabeth, USA (USNWK)
  • Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala (GTPRQ)
  • Vado, Italy (ITVDL)
Attachment Size
APMT Empty Container Returns_3_0_0.yaml (7.89 KB) 7.89 KB

Check here for version history

Our Empty Container Returns API is currently version 1.0.  As and when the API evolves to provide more customer value and new iterations become available, our version history will be documented here.

There is currently no additional information required for this API. Please see the Specification tab for Technical Implementation details